
Perfectly Polished Tips 153 - Nubar Cleopatra Collection

Nubar's Cleopatra collection is made up of 8 shades of purple. I have been wearing purple often lately so this collection was right up my alley. As with the Coral Collection the polishes applied well and I had no issues with them. I liked the range that this collection provided. As much as I love the muted grey purple shades like Pharoh Purple I love the deeper shades in this collection. I will be wearing them this fall for sure.

*looking at Nubar's website I believe Luxor Purple should be Heiroglyphs Purple and Hyke Purple should be Isis Purple. I guess the ones I got in my set are named differently from what they decided to release.

You can find the Cleopatra Collection on Nubar's website.

Perfectly Polished Tips 153 - Nubar Coral Collection

Nubar's Coral collection was my first time trying a Nubar polish. I have always heard good things about them and was happy to have gotten the chance to try them out. The Coral collection is inspired by different types of sea coral. There are 7 various shades as well as 1 purple polish. I was really impressed with how well they applied and how well they wore. They applied smoothly and were all opaque in two coats. My swatches are shown without a base or top coat.

Cozumel Coral - a warm soft bisque pearl
Caribbean Coral - a cool pinky purple
Amazon Coral - a warm bright pinky orange
Palau Coral - a warm true orange

Belize Coral - a warm salmon orange
Costa Rica Coral - a warm bright tangerine
Red Sea Coral - a cool bright pinky red
Caymen Coral - a warm bright red-orange

You can find the Coral Collection on Nubar's website.


Perfectly Polished Tips 152 - Essie Northfork Collection

When I found these in mail box I think my jaw dropped. I could not believe that Essie would release a collection like this. She always seems to play it safe with all of her collections, although we have seen a couple of blues this year. And there is always Starry Starry Nights which is a favorite of mine. All three of these polishes applied beautifully, the photos show two coats each no base or top coat.

Shelter Island is a sky blue creme.

Sag Harbor is a grey-ed baby blue with fine silver shimmer.

Greenport is a soft aquamarine creme that is boarder line jelly. It has a unique finish and my favorite from the collection.

This collection was released in April and was Limited Edition. If you poke around the internet you may still be able to find them.


Perfectly Polished Tips 151 - Adovia Mineral Hand Cream

I am always looking for lotions, creams, and oils to make my hands soft. Especially in the upcoming fall and winter months my hands and cuticles get really dry. Not to mention I haven't been the best at keeping up with cuticle maintenance. I recently had the opportunity to try out Adovia's Mineral Hand Cream. It is made from Dead Sea Minerals and Shea Butter as well as Aloe Vera and Chamomile. I noticed a huge difference in my hands and nails after one use, my hands were softer and my ragged cuticles looked some what presentable. The lotion isn't greasy which I like and there is no over powering scent. In my opinion it doesn't have much of a scent at all which is always nice.

I was recently on vacation and got slightly sunburned, I grabbed this lotion instead of my Burt's Bees After Sun lotion accidently and I was pleasently surprised. My sun burn instantly felt better and it took away the uncomfortable itching and hot feeling. At the time I had not realized that the lotion contained Aloe Vera so I was surprised until I turned the bottle over and read the ingredients list. So it does have multiple uses!

The only downside (maybe) to the product is the price. A 3.4 oz bottle will run you $16 USD. I guess for some it may be worth the price for some. I really like the lotion but I think I would probably try to find a cheaper alternative before shelling out the 16 bucks but that is just me.

Adovia Mineral Hand Cream is a favorite beauty product of Claudia Jordan. Miss Jordan was previously Miss Rhode Island and was one of the models on the TV show Deal or No Deal. Currently she has her own radio show. This lotion can retails for $16 USD and can be found at Adovia Spa.


Perfectly Polished Tips 150 - Zoya Truth Fall 2009

For this upcoming fall season Zoya put out two collections. Truth is made up of six, gorgeous shimmery polishes. I will have up it's counterpart Dare early next week. Dare contains the creme shades. The photos following the review have the warm/yellow tint, I was not able to figure out how to edit them and make them look normal. I have been trying to do all my swatching in the sun when possible so future photos will hopefully look better. As I mentioned in my last post I am so far behind, a lot of my photos have already been taken and uploaded I just have not written the review. So please bare with me while I catch up.

Salma is a warm scarlet red with a metallic finish.

Drew is a mauvey rose and is more pink in real life. It's not as brown as this photo shows.

Anaka is a fuchsia pink metallic with purple undertones. It even has a slight glass flecked shimmer look. This is the stand out polish from this collection for me.

Kalmia is a rosey copper with a metallic finish. I often have issues with metallics and their brush strokes, it was most apparent to me with Kalmia, but nothing too terrible.

Penny is a coppery gold mettalic. It is not as orange in real life.

Isla is a deep venetian red metallic. I think it's a must have for red lovers.

The Truth collection is up for sale on Zoya's website right now. Overall it's not my type of collection. I love cremes and as of late I have been wearing a lot of purples and blues. Zoya does do golds well though and one day I'll stop being a baby and wear one!


Perfectly Polished Tips 149 - Essie Neons

I am pretty far behind on my reviews and I apologize, I am trying to catch up. Hopefully I will be able to do so over the next month. I have a ton to share and I will get it posted! One of my resolutions for the Fall school semester was to stop procrastinating and unfortunately I did well for about a day. I am working on it though haha. Anyways on to Essie's summer neon collection.

I've been really impressed with Essie's formula over the past year. It seems to have gotten a little thicker and it covers the nail better. I am an Essie fan though, I like the brush. Neon polishes aren't really my thing. I like the pinks for pedicures but I can't get into yellow and a lot of purples pull too red on me. There is a bigger difference in Flirty Fuchsia and Punchy Pink, these photos were taken with my old camera which obviously sucked at taking any type of photo. Punchy Pink is lighter and all of the colors are brighter. Punchy Pink reminds me of a neon OPI Elephantastic Pink if that helps. Each polish pictured is three coats except for Funky Limelight which is four coats. I did not use a base or top coat. Neons tend to dry matte so if you do not like the matte look don't forget to add a topcoat!